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Belajar Bahasa Inggris
Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu aspek penting yang dimiliki. Selain merupakan Bahasa Internasional yang akan menunjang komunikasi dengan orang lain, Sehingga perlu meningkatkan kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris (soft skill). Penguasaan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris menjadi nilai tambah bagi siswa yang akan bermanfaat terutama ketika harus berhadapan dengan dunia kerja. Karena soft skill juga diperlukan untuk menunjang hard skill yang siswa miliki. Bagaimana meningkatkan skill atau Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris anda tanpa menghambur-hamburkan rumus Grammar? Materi pelatihan e-compusoft Indonesia ditujukan langsung pada pembentukan 4 (empat) Skill berbahasa yaitu: Listening, Speaking, Reading serta Writing. Dengan teknik “Guided Oral Composition” serta sistim Full Conversation, Siswa akan merasakan kemajuan yang sangat pesat dalam Berbahasa Inggris.
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The Passive Voice

The passive voice is used when the subject of a sentence is the person or thing affected by the action of the sentence.

The passive voice may use any tense of the verb to be:-

to be

past participle
is / are / am

was / were
(present simple)

(past simple)
is being / are being /am being

was being / were being
(present continuous)

(past continuous)
has been / have been

had been
(present perfect)

(past perfect)
will be (future) tired.

We particularly use the passive voice when we don't know or aren't bothered exactly who has done something. This is called passive without agent where the recipient of the action becomes the subject.

For example:

"The office was cleaned." (What was cleaned? - The office=the subject)

We often use the passive to report what someone has said, but we want to avoid telling anyone who said it.

For example:

"I was told you weren't coming."

Sometimes it is used in order to deliberately avoid saying who did something, or more often who's to blame for something. Either because you don't know, or because you don't want to say. You'll often see it used in politics, the business world, or in any other activity involving bureaucracy.

"The civilian was shot." (Who was shot? The civilian=the subject)

"The report was mislaid." (What was mislaid? The report =the subject)

Sometimes you may want to use the passive voice but wish to mention who carried out the action. This is called passive with agent and the agent is usually introduced with the word by.

For example:

"The office was cleaned by Mrs Smith."

Or you may use a subject such as people, someone, they etc, when you don't know who the agent is.

For example:

"The car was stolen by joyriders."

Be warned though, the passive voice can sound pompous or evasive.

When you can't use the passive

Intransitive verbs cannot be used in the passive. This is because they cannot have objects, and so there is nothing to become the subject of the passive sentence. For example with verbs like die or arrive.

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